Friday, July 11, 2014

Theme 004 - Family (about 1,024 words)

They called each other family. With the strong bonds they had it was certainly true. They were a family. They weren't really a family. Not by blood and not by marriage or adoption. They were just three coworkers how developed close bonds.It didn't matter. They were just as close as an actual family. There was a man and a woman and a little boy. It seemed like a perfectly normal family. Except this family fought giant mutant monsters for a living. Some family business. There was also a ninja in green who always wore sunglasses and a young boy who could build machines from his body. Yeah they are perfectly normal family.

There was Rex. The fifteen year old was taken to providence when he was ten by Six. He slowly grew on the two put in charge of taking care of him. He's become like a son to Agent Six and Doctor Holiday. Sure he was loud , rambunctious and didn't like authority. He would sneak out and argue with his parents but it always worked out. Eventually. He'd almost always turn to Six when he need of guidance and go to Holiday for comfort and advice. He saw the two as his parents as much as they saw him as their kid. He was happy with that. Just fine with them being mom and dad. he didn't remember his real parents so Six and Holiday were all he ever knew in the way of parents.

There was Dr. Holiday. Just Holiday to most. Rebeca to some. She's become like a mother to Rex and a wife to Six. She was head strong and smart. Always there to lend a hand and some guidance. A shoulder to lean on and some honest advice. For both her boys. That's what they were. Six and Rex were her boys. She addressed them as such on more then one occasion. Neither one of them seemed to mind. It was true after all and they were family. She always works hard to make sure they are safe and happy not always an easy thing to do with the lives they lead but she tries her best. What ever she could for them ever the little things. Like offering her ear when they needed to vent.

Then there was Six. The green clad ninja man in sunglasses rarely opened up to anyone. Rarely got close to anyone. He did let Rex and Holiday in though. He tried not to and kept them away like everyone else but they grew on him. He started to see the young boy as a son. To care for him. He would do anything for the kid and would always be there for him. Even after he loses his memory. He also realized his feelings for Holiday. She was all he wanted in a woman and was someone that could go toe to toe with him he liked it. She would be the one to keep him on track when he was to harsh on Rex during a mission or training. He needed someone like that.

They might not be your average family but they wouldn't want to have it any other way. Like other families they had their traditions. Every Friday they sat down at a table together for dinner. Usually one that consisted of meatloaf and mashed potatoes. But they went out to get when they were busy. More specifically when Six was too busy to cook dinner. Rex didn't know how to cook and made a mess when ever he was taught something and Holiday couldn't cook no matter what. For the safety of the whole base Six made sure Holiday stayed clear of the kitchen at all costs. She knew she couldn't cook so stayed clear of it herself.

After the world wide cure event and they were no longer fighting EVOs things settled down a bit. They got to a more normal life. Things were still hectic and they still fought weird things but they got to get away from base more. Six and Holiday got a nice house to live at when they weren't needed at headquarters. Rex moved in with them and started to go to school with Noah and take real classes instead of being home schooled when ever they got time to teach him. He didn't like getting up early and going to bed early but he was use to it from all the years of fighting EVOs. He enjoyed socializing and feeling more normal. He would go almost everyday and get taken out when he was needed at headquarters. It felt nice.

There was always going to be something. He figured as much and Six confirmed it. Everyone was fine with that. They would never be fully normal at least not when they lived with a ninja and a boy who could build machines from his body. They would always be traveling around the world and would always be fighting things. It was okay with this family. When you sat around and did nothing you were just boring. Normal. Normal was boring. The family preferred action. It was what they were use to after all. They now fought people who misuse the deactivated nanites. If they ever figured out a way to stop them for good they would find something else. They have to must power with providence to not help the world in someway.

The family wasn't normal. By any means. Not by the typical idea of a family. Not by what they did. Nothing was normal. But they were together and loved every minute of what they did. That's what matters most. The first few years were rough especially with how providence treated Rex but all the struggles to get to today are what has made them who they are. What has made them a close knit family. One with unbreakable bonds. It's what made all the fighting worth it. Made life worth living. The family was thankful for everything that was given to them to allow them to still be together and sill do what they do. They were thankful for each other. For family.


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