Thursday, November 26, 2015

Phoenix Claws and Jade Trees

I'm an entertainer, I host many parties all kinds of themes. Cooking all kinds of things. I'm always looking for new recipes and flavors. My crowd and I enjoy foods for around the world. Asian food is a hit around. So when I saw this book I saw many opportunity ahead. I couldn't wait to get it and try my hand at making real Chinese cuisine.  

This book is very well made. The copy I got was hard cover, I'm not sure if there is a soft cover available but I think I like a hard cover more for this book because it's thick. The covers are study and heavy. It's a nice heavy duty book. It's a simple looks cover that fits well with the book.

It's broken down into sections based on what's being made. Our favorite was "sweet but not dessert". We've got sweet too the and crave savory dinners so I guess it was a good fit. They have all kinds of recipes and categories to go though.

It taught me well and the recipes that I tried were amazing. I can't wait to try more. All the directions were simple and easy to follow, even if some recipes were longer and more complicated. Nothing I tired was really hard or tricky. I loved this book and it has gotten it's fair share of use around the kitchen. My friends all wanted to know where my recipes came from. Not only did I recommend this book to them but I'd recommend to anyone looking for a good quality authentic Chinese cook book. 

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


This is a learn to draw cartoon book and it had more than I expected.

Most draw your own cartoon books assume you know a thing or two about drawing even if it'sa beginners   book. This book doesn't do that. It starts off with explaining guidelines and how to use shapes as basic building blocks for your drawings. From there each in it teaches goes though a few steps and reinforces the concepts it taught already. 

There's also spots right in the book to draw your own sketches and there are exercises where you have to complete the drawing and such very helpful and fun. Although I'm already okay with drawing cartoons I still found it very helpful and thought that the information it provided was pretty good. A friend who can't draw used the book and was able to follow along and make decent cartoons. With the simple wording and steps with pictures that break all the concepts down very well it's easy for a adult or child to draw the doodles found within this book. Veteran artist or amateur there's a little chunk for everyone.

There's the chapters and 145 pages. They go in order of concepts and slowly add on new skills until the book ends with you drawing and coloring complete cartoon scenes. It starts with the introduction with guidelines and warm ups to get you use to everything, it builds from there adding expressions and clothing.

One thing this book has that I haven't came across in similar books before was a writing section. It's called "write in cartoon calligraphy" and it teaches the basics of the wacky fonts and text we come across in cartons and comics. Along with examples and how to draw the ones in the book it teaches how to uses the other skills in the book to make your own so you can make what ever texts that suit your drawings. Really great especially for beginners as even I still struggle with that and to see that in a beginners books is wonderful. I had to search the internet far and wide to teach myself all the font skills I have now. Here it is in this simple book. Perfect.

It also teaches funny cartoony things (it is a cartoon book after all) like wacky inventions, people and clothing. It teaches how to draw the basics and common stuff and then encourages you to creatively come up with your own and use the ideas you just leaned to do it. Like every other part of the book it guides you with small exercises and steps and premade characters then lets you use your new knowledge to better your skills and draw what ever you want.

The cover is really bright and fun (like cartoons!) and features a lot of the characters that the book teaches you how to draw.

Ready, set, doodle! That's what the back cover says and that's what it is you just get ready and doodle! On the back cover the description mentions you can draw along side with the author and like I mentioned above there are blank spaces next to the premades and steps so you can easily have a spit to draw along with your lesson. There's many other things it offers as well. 

All 145 pages are packed with wonderful thing and I highly recommend it for beginners. Even if you don't want to do cartooning it still has a lot of ideas and concepts to teach that you can go on to apply to other types of art such as how to use and follow guidelines and seeing shapes in everything and breaking things done for easy drawing!

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review

Monday, November 2, 2015

The pasta prom


That's what my group of friends call ourselves. We're pastas. (And also Moosen but that's another story).

Over the summer we had a party that we called 'the pasta prom' it was our version of prom and we were gonna do it up right. (Spolier we did). Our one friend wanted to go to prom but was unable to so we decided to have our own prom. Skip a head a few months later in mid summer and we finally had the pasta prom.

We planned very carefully. Picked out all the food and all the music. We all wore amazing dresses. Including the men ( remember that. It will be important later)

As carfully as we planned we still underestimated how much food we would need, and quickly ran out of soda. My friend (and Kat's man) Jason volunteered to buy more and CVS was just a short walk down the road. So off we all went, dresses and all down the street and to CVS.

We sure were head turners. People slowed down to get a look at us and people form houses were happy to say hello. The two best things tho...the best things...

Was that our grade school principal was also in CVS and remembered us. She happily said hello and we greeted her back and explained the whole fancy dress thing. With our soda bought we headed home. On our way back home a car slowed to almost a stop then did a u turn and stopped. They asked if they could  take our  photo. ( as amused as they were they were still very polite and I thank them for that. Even when they posted it online it was private.)

Later we were just relaxing in the lving room and Jason saw the photo. Turns out one of the guys was a reletive of his.

Well then.

Small world after all.

And that's how I learned if you parade a group of nine teens in fancy dresses down a road people will give you looks. Either happy amused looks or judgmental ones.

I wish the judgmental ones the best of luck in the world. After all it must be hard to get by when you think clothing defines a stranger.