Thursday, December 10, 2015

100 Themes Update

UPDATE: 7/7/17  I am back, continuing this challenge! Go me. I've added a new story and will be continuing to do more. I'm changing plans again.This will once again be a 100% Generator Rex challenge. Fun. I might go back and re-do or add to some of the shorter stories (I kinda want at least 1,000 words for all but it's hard and I rather a good sort story than being stuck or stopping ot just slopping something...) We will see. For now I will just continue down the list. Enjoy

UPDATE: 12/10/15 I finally updated the list to include all the links to the stories I've done from June-September (2015) Also this project isn't forgotten or abandoned just slowed down. More prompts will be up before the end of the year. This was originally meant to only be Generator Rex related and I picked themes based off of it but I no longer feel the same spark I use to for it and that has made it hard to write. So from now on it will be multi fandom and I might put original works in as well. So themes 1-37 are Generator Rex and anything after that can be any fandom I'm in or original works of mine. I'll be sure to say what fandom it is or if it's my own. only Please continue to enjoy. I might go back and re-do some of the first 37 with other fandoms but I'll keep the original Generator Rex ones as well.

ORIGINAL POST: 7/8/14 I'm attempting the 100 theme challenge (for like the third time, someday I will write all 100)

strikes though the text = I'm done with that theme. You should also find a link next to the theme that leads to the finished story for it.

My themes for this time around are:
  1. New life  Find it here
  2. Nightmare  Find it here
  3. Innocence  Find it here
  4. Family  Find it here
  5. Breaking the rules  Find it here
  6.  Deadliest  Find it here
  7. Sacrifice  Find it here
  8. I can't  Find it here
  9. Drowning  Find it here
  10. Scar  Find it here
  11. Hero  Find it here
  12. Sick  Find it here
  13. Safety  Find it here
  14. Alone  Find it here
  15. Chores  Find it here
  16. Pessimistic  Find it here
  17. Dreamer  Find it here
  18. Freedom  Find it here
  19. Inevitable  Find it here
  20. Insomnia  Find it here
  21. Mutation  Find it here
  22. Lies  Find it here
  23. Ninja Find it here
  24. Pie  Find it here
  25. Right Find it here
  26. Wrong Find it here
  27. Safe in your arms Find it here
  28. Flying Find it here
  29. Falling Find it here
  30. Mother  Find it here
  31. Father  Find it here
  32. Brother Find it here
  33. Green Find it here
  34. Anger Find it here
  35. Teenager Find it here
  36. Adulthood Find it here
  37. Childish Find it here
  38. Numbers Find it here
  39. Embarrassment
  40. Failure
  41. Guardian
  42. A place to belong
  43. Only human
  44. Lesson
  45. Friendship
  46. Warmth
  47. Abused
  48. Providence
  49. Birthday
  50. Dinner
  51. Vacation
  52. Waiting
  53. End of the world
  54. Missing
  55. Travel
  56. Protector
  57. Cooking
  58. Runaway
  59. Fear
  60. Home
  61. Biochemical
  62.  Blood
  63. Soilder
  64. Practice
  65. Strategy
  66. Young man
  67. Guilt
  68. Teacher
  69. X-ray
  70. Error
  71. Rescue
  72. Juice
  73. Values
  74. Military
  75. Thief
  76. Silence
  77. Spar
  78.  Scarecrow
  79. Bargain
  80.  Wisdom
  81. Attack
  82. Test subject
  83. Sunglasses
  84. Training
  85. Punishment
  86. Grounded
  87. Nanny
  88. Doctor
  89. Pizza
  90. Party
  91. Research
  92. Jet
  93. Monkey
  94. Off load
  95. Injury
  96. Surgery
  97.  Flirt
  98. Lost
  99. Secrets
  100. Ever after

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


The cover is pretty cute but the book it's self is just okay.

I like the pictures throughout the book they are fabulous. The info on the owls are accurate facts mixed with fun little jokes and puns.

It gets bored after awhile. Some of the texts are a bit wordy and need to get to the point more. The point being acts about the owls. This is a guide to owls and some pages and owls are more walls of text. Good and factual sure but it doesn't get or keep my attention.

There's a checklist in the back. That I found nice and enjoyed it they have a list of all the owls and pictures. It's a very pretty checklist that makes me want to go out and spot these owls.

Over all it's a very beautiful book and it's full of facts and information of different owls. Good for anyone who enjoys nice art and birds and want to learn new facts.

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Phoenix Claws and Jade Trees

I'm an entertainer, I host many parties all kinds of themes. Cooking all kinds of things. I'm always looking for new recipes and flavors. My crowd and I enjoy foods for around the world. Asian food is a hit around. So when I saw this book I saw many opportunity ahead. I couldn't wait to get it and try my hand at making real Chinese cuisine.  

This book is very well made. The copy I got was hard cover, I'm not sure if there is a soft cover available but I think I like a hard cover more for this book because it's thick. The covers are study and heavy. It's a nice heavy duty book. It's a simple looks cover that fits well with the book.

It's broken down into sections based on what's being made. Our favorite was "sweet but not dessert". We've got sweet too the and crave savory dinners so I guess it was a good fit. They have all kinds of recipes and categories to go though.

It taught me well and the recipes that I tried were amazing. I can't wait to try more. All the directions were simple and easy to follow, even if some recipes were longer and more complicated. Nothing I tired was really hard or tricky. I loved this book and it has gotten it's fair share of use around the kitchen. My friends all wanted to know where my recipes came from. Not only did I recommend this book to them but I'd recommend to anyone looking for a good quality authentic Chinese cook book. 

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


This is a learn to draw cartoon book and it had more than I expected.

Most draw your own cartoon books assume you know a thing or two about drawing even if it'sa beginners   book. This book doesn't do that. It starts off with explaining guidelines and how to use shapes as basic building blocks for your drawings. From there each in it teaches goes though a few steps and reinforces the concepts it taught already. 

There's also spots right in the book to draw your own sketches and there are exercises where you have to complete the drawing and such very helpful and fun. Although I'm already okay with drawing cartoons I still found it very helpful and thought that the information it provided was pretty good. A friend who can't draw used the book and was able to follow along and make decent cartoons. With the simple wording and steps with pictures that break all the concepts down very well it's easy for a adult or child to draw the doodles found within this book. Veteran artist or amateur there's a little chunk for everyone.

There's the chapters and 145 pages. They go in order of concepts and slowly add on new skills until the book ends with you drawing and coloring complete cartoon scenes. It starts with the introduction with guidelines and warm ups to get you use to everything, it builds from there adding expressions and clothing.

One thing this book has that I haven't came across in similar books before was a writing section. It's called "write in cartoon calligraphy" and it teaches the basics of the wacky fonts and text we come across in cartons and comics. Along with examples and how to draw the ones in the book it teaches how to uses the other skills in the book to make your own so you can make what ever texts that suit your drawings. Really great especially for beginners as even I still struggle with that and to see that in a beginners books is wonderful. I had to search the internet far and wide to teach myself all the font skills I have now. Here it is in this simple book. Perfect.

It also teaches funny cartoony things (it is a cartoon book after all) like wacky inventions, people and clothing. It teaches how to draw the basics and common stuff and then encourages you to creatively come up with your own and use the ideas you just leaned to do it. Like every other part of the book it guides you with small exercises and steps and premade characters then lets you use your new knowledge to better your skills and draw what ever you want.

The cover is really bright and fun (like cartoons!) and features a lot of the characters that the book teaches you how to draw.

Ready, set, doodle! That's what the back cover says and that's what it is you just get ready and doodle! On the back cover the description mentions you can draw along side with the author and like I mentioned above there are blank spaces next to the premades and steps so you can easily have a spit to draw along with your lesson. There's many other things it offers as well. 

All 145 pages are packed with wonderful thing and I highly recommend it for beginners. Even if you don't want to do cartooning it still has a lot of ideas and concepts to teach that you can go on to apply to other types of art such as how to use and follow guidelines and seeing shapes in everything and breaking things done for easy drawing!

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review

Monday, November 2, 2015

The pasta prom


That's what my group of friends call ourselves. We're pastas. (And also Moosen but that's another story).

Over the summer we had a party that we called 'the pasta prom' it was our version of prom and we were gonna do it up right. (Spolier we did). Our one friend wanted to go to prom but was unable to so we decided to have our own prom. Skip a head a few months later in mid summer and we finally had the pasta prom.

We planned very carefully. Picked out all the food and all the music. We all wore amazing dresses. Including the men ( remember that. It will be important later)

As carfully as we planned we still underestimated how much food we would need, and quickly ran out of soda. My friend (and Kat's man) Jason volunteered to buy more and CVS was just a short walk down the road. So off we all went, dresses and all down the street and to CVS.

We sure were head turners. People slowed down to get a look at us and people form houses were happy to say hello. The two best things tho...the best things...

Was that our grade school principal was also in CVS and remembered us. She happily said hello and we greeted her back and explained the whole fancy dress thing. With our soda bought we headed home. On our way back home a car slowed to almost a stop then did a u turn and stopped. They asked if they could  take our  photo. ( as amused as they were they were still very polite and I thank them for that. Even when they posted it online it was private.)

Later we were just relaxing in the lving room and Jason saw the photo. Turns out one of the guys was a reletive of his.

Well then.

Small world after all.

And that's how I learned if you parade a group of nine teens in fancy dresses down a road people will give you looks. Either happy amused looks or judgmental ones.

I wish the judgmental ones the best of luck in the world. After all it must be hard to get by when you think clothing defines a stranger.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

When clowns attack - survival guide

There're coming for you.

That's what the cover says.

This book breaks down into a four sections. Assess, Analyze, Defend, and Protect. Each breaking it down further into other related topics, such as why clowns scare people in the assess section and signs that clowns are nearby in the protect section. So it makes it easy to quickly look and get the info you need. 

The cover kinda creeped me out. I don't have Coulrophobia (the fear of clowns, thanks book) but it was a creepy aggressive clown face. Makes sense for what the book is going for I think. So while it kinda gave me the creeps it works well for the book and I think it's a perfect choice for a front cover. 

The back cover is a plain red. No clowns here. (Good) the synopsis on the back explains it well and made me want to read it. The font style and color go well with the cover. I would have preferred some pictures but it's a okay cover without any.

The inside covers clown style red and white stripes. Simple and fine for a book like this. I like the overall color scheme of the covers and the book.

Now onto the content of the book it's self.

The title ' when clowns attack - a survival guide' is a pretty comedic title I'd say, that's what made me curious about it. It provides actual information about the fear of clowns and has a seriousness to it but it's still fun to read. It's made fun because of all the little things though out.

Overall it's a cool book that I'd recommend to friends.

I received this book from Blogging for Booksfor this review.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Cute Emergency

What a cute book! It's filled with all kinds of cute animals and adorable captions. It's the perfect thing to help get you though the day. It sure did make me smile when I was feeling down one day.

All kinds of cute animals with adorable captions. The perfect book to cheer you up. I loved it and it helped me get though a particularly tiring day. Perfect for animal lovers and anyone who will go aww and cheer up at the sight of cuteness. 

The cover is so cute and is what made me want to pick up this book. The back cover is just as cute filled with a bunch of cute animals. I'm in love. That cat in the nurse hat has to be one of the cutest kittens Ives seen and the back cover is full of bunnies and puppies.

 One of my favorite parts about the book other then all the cute animals and captions is that every few pages or so they have a emergency prescription page for the level of 'emergency' you're having such as dropping your phone or ruining your favorite clothes. It even has a little signature area at the bottom for you to sign and it tells you not to worry the kittens and cuteness is on the way! It prescribes a dose of cute to help you get though.

If you're having a bad day or even a great one you'll love this book and the cute cheerful mood it brings. 

I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

Friday, September 18, 2015

The blanket experiment

I didn't go to the best school. Just an okay one and even that could be augured... and as the years went on it became apprent that as long as you were quiet and did your work you could get away with a lot of stuff.  Lucky I wasn't a trouble maker I was a hardworking shy kid. So were my friends. Cut to winter of my senior year.

Winter where I'm from can either be decent and all pleasant (rarely) or hell as it freezes over (most years) there was no inbetween. The winter that happened while I was a senior in high school was one of the hell years. It was filled with delays and cancelations of all kinds.

This is what hell winter looks like.

My good friend Kat and I had saw someone walking around with a blanket. We decided that blankets were comfy cuddly fun and in the middle of this fridget winter we just had to wrap ourselves in blankets for a whole school day.

We really wanted this. So we both spent hours reading the student handbook and school website inside out. Trying to find out if they had rules against blankets or such. They didn't.  We felt like we were in the clear.

We set a day, very close to Christmas vacation if I remember correctly, and left out houses that morning wrapped up with our favorite blankets. It was a pretty fridget and chill December morning. We got into the high school cafeteria a met up with one another before home room. This was it. We both had our bankets and we're ready for the day ahead.

I'm not sure if we made rules for this fun test. We just wanted to wear blankets all day. There were rules. I don't remember if I made them for myself or if it was for me and Kat but they were:

1. You have to wear the blanket all day.
2. Only take it off if you get hot, have to go to the bathroom (which we tended to hold all day anyway the school bathrooms were dirty and smoke filled), or if you have to take it off for another reason

Those were the rules. We also came up with a plan of what to say when people asked or comment on us/ the blankets. We also prepared what we would say of we were sent to the office or if a teacher had a problem with us. Of course we'd take off and put them in our lockers if asked but we'd also tell them what we would tell our peers. It was an experiment.

If anyone asked we would told them we were taking part in a social experiment. This was the card I'd especially pull if I got sent to the office. Because why punish a scientist like person thing?

Neither of us got sent to the office. Very few peers took notice or at least seemed too. Only one or two said something to us. As for the teachers and staff? One teacher asked if I was wearing the blanket for the holiday's since it was red and green. Another asked if I was cold. No other adult authority figure made any remarks on it. I think Kat had similar results.

And that's how it became apparent that we were (and still are) but big sized toddlers masquerading as responsible adults.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Things I've said to my children

This book is hilarious. And just filled with the kinda things parents have to say to their crazy kids!  The pictures are funny, cute and well done. The things the pages contain are all things I'm sure all parents can relate to. We all say crazy thing to kid because they themselves are crazy. It a decent sized book  filled with relatable hilarious things that have been said to children! 

The front cover is just hilarious as the book's contents and is in fact one of the pictures included in side the book. The back cover explains the book well and is just as awesomely funny as the rest of the book. I love that picture of the penguin something about it's face just makes me smile. The penguin is mentioned in the back description of the book and in the book it's self. " Stop riding that penguin we're leaving" pretty funny.

Great book for parents or other caretakers of children. If you're looking for a fun book that you can relate to look no farther.

I received this book from Blogging for Booksfor this review.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Theme 037 - Childish ( about 200 words)

Sure he was childish. But he was young. He was just a kid who had the fate of the world on his shoulders. Added to that with his memory issues of course he would act out and pull pranks and all that kinda stuff.  He was only sixteen.  Sure he was almost an adult but he's seen stuff that even an adult shouldn't see or do. He fights monsters for a living.defends the world. Almost does daily.  And doesn't remember anything before the age of ten. He wasn't childish all the time , sure he could be mature when the situation called for it. Be serious when ever he had to but sometimes everything was too much for him. So he would run off to have fun. He'd joke (just so he wouldn't remember how scared he is) he'd play pranks he was so childish. He still played with bath toys.  It was just who he was. He was of coping with a world so mean to him and so deadly to everything he loves. Including thing he doesn't remember.  Six put up with, not understanding at first why the kid acts the way he does. But he slowly learned why and understood and felt sorry for him. But they had a job to do and there were lives at stake. They could afford to fool around.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Paper goods projects

I've been in a crafty mood lately. I also got my hands on a copy of 'Paper Goods Projects' by Jodi Levine, and it's pretty neat.

It's a fabulous book for crafters , especially those with children. A lot of the projects seem to be things kids would like and the photos in the book feature children. Prefect for the family. I like the front cover of the book just as much as the back. They both show good examples of what you can make following the directions in the book. Plus it's colorful.

The book is well organized. There's the contents page up front , followed by an introduction and foreword. Then it put projects into a category based on what kind of supplies are used. Theses categories are the chapters. There is coffee filters and cupcake papers, paper bags paper plates and dollies, balloons, and recycling bin stuff. So lots of around the home and recycling going on. That's a plus for projects with me. At the black of the book there's a template section filled with all the templates you'll need to make the projects in the book. Then at the end is the index. Like I said it's neat and organized.

As someone who goes to multiple parties a year and like to be the one who brings the goodie bags and loves to decorate for everything this book makes me really look foward to next chance I can get at decorating and packing goodies. It has all kinds of projects that are decorative and they have projects for favor bags too!

I haven't made a lot of the projects featured in this book but I have made a few, the ones I have made were easy and used stuff commonly found in the home. And like I said before they include templates. Just scan and print. Or even trace if you're using thin paper (not recommend but easy!) it was simple , fun and easy. They don't really mention the family touch on the book's discription but let me tell you it certainly is for crafters for any level and those with kids. I've already made a few goodies for my nephew!

Overall it's a great book my only compliant is that they don't always show photos on what to do for various steps. They have plenty of text descriptions that are very detailed and I understood them but I'm usually not good with even simple text instructions. I prefer text and photos. But that's just my learning style ,everyone is different and the steps are pretty detailed. So I don't think there will be any trouble.

I got this book from Blogging for Books to read and review. So yes I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Getting though

I've managed to write more of the challenge it's just a matter of me getting it typed and posted. Been painting more so I should be posting that later. I also have a new comic that updates every friday. So I've been busy. Getting though by just getting things done one at a time. Wake up. Eat. School. Get home. Type part of the next challenge, add a color to the painting, write for the comic. And look at that I'm getting stuff done even if haven't been posting the challenge, I mean at least it's typed and I have a social life.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Theme 036 - Adulthood (about 752 words)

Adulthood. Rex hadn't thought about it much but he was almost an adult now. He's matured a lot over the years. Even just the last year. The seventeen year old was still a bit childish. The plush toys all over his room proved that. But that kind childishness was different from being mature. He use to run away and get into trouble and make inappropriate jokes. Not anymore he thought more of others and communicated better. Still got into trouble, he just attracted it but he didn't seek it out and caused it as much. At least not on purpose. He was practically an adult in more ways than one. He didn't change that much physically at least not in the last year. He was pretty much done growing once he was at age  sixteen. (Or around it. They still didn't know when his birthdays was or how old he was. Age guess was based all on physical and mental stuff really) So the last year saw very few (physical) changes there. But since he was fifteen the was a slight change in him. Mostly if you looked back and compared photos of him from then to now. Day to day the people around him probably haven't noticed much unless the thought on it and saw  photos and video of him. His hormones calmed down and the more hormone driven days of his teenage years were behind him. Not that he still didn't drool over hot girls. He certainly still took notice. He just didn't chase after all of the hot ladies he saw. He knew he couldn't and shouldn't. And he could control himself and such actions. Not that he didn't get tighter pants every now and then from hot passers by or randomly. That was just manhood. It just wasn't as constant. He had control. He didn't need to think of love making all the time or run to a private area right than. He could wait. He also had a girlfriend to look at and while still a virgin he certainly was cozy and love and doves with her . He was a tab bit taller. Taller by an inch or two now at his adult hight of five foot ten. His voice was a bit deeper but not that noticeable again you'd have to see video for, a few years ago and compare from then to now to really notice. He was also more muscular. Mostly from all the hard work and training and fighting he does than from like hormones, puberty and such, but it was a change either way. He was almost legally an adult. Although that didn't matter much, growing up in providence as a weapon and tool he quickly learned to do things on his own like an adult would. Plus again they had no clue how old he really was for all they knew he was legal. Not like he'll ever have anything other than a providence ID anyways. His face wasn't as rounded and childish now. It was sharper and more adult. He was on the onset of adulthood now. Technically adulthood has been here creeping up on him for a while bit now you could clearly see it on his face. In his features. He could come up with actually possible solutions to problems and help solve them with out making a mess. He had a more mature take on problem solving and an adult view on the world around him. Even if he still joked now and then even when the situation wasn't meant for it. He learn to control the jokes and when not to say them. He still told inappropriate jokes at bad times but he recognized them as such and tried to limit such. His younger self has not such filter or thoughts for jokes. He just told them whenever where ever no matter what. Now he thought about the situation first and only told badly time jokes when he was truly frightened to clam himself. Otherwise he wouldn't joke in a serious situation now. Everything about him was adulthood. He grew up a lot. His 'parents' Six and Holiday were very proud of him and how he's grown. The young man wasn't like the little kid they had taken in. Even if he was still a lot like him he's an adult now and was able to take on whatever came his way with the thinking and problem solving that came with adulthood. 

Theme 035 - Teenager (about 390 words)

As a teenager, Rex got in to trouble fairly regularly. Even if the life he was living wasn't normal he was still basically an average teen. The recently turned sixteen year old wanted to stay out late and hang out with friends. Go out on dates and attend dances. The normal stuff. He also liked to push his limits on everything.  It drove Six, his guardian up the wall. Like would it hurt the kid to at least let him know where he was and when he'll be home? Or even who he's with? That man worried about the kid a lot and not just  because it was his job, but because he cared. He was a good parent damn it. Sure Rex snuck out mostly due to the way providence was and he didn't bother to tell Six because he was afraid the man would say no (he probably would but he was full of surprises) but still when he was out running around doing who knows what with who knows who. It didn't take a paranoid ninja to freak out and worry over him. Anyone would worry. Holiday sure does. Especially when the trackers are deactivated. But she didn't let it get to her too much, she knew what he could handle. He'd be fine. He might seem like a normal average teenager and in a lot of ways he was but he wasn't on the other hand. The hand of healing. He could heal pretty quick from a lot of stuff. Take a good beating. Well no beating was good. More like take he'll of a beating. Yeah that's better wording. He also knew how to fight and fight well. How to handle himself in a fight. And had his builds. Amazing machine technology to build weapons with. He also was a good kid. He wouldn't do nothing too bad. Nothing Holiday or Six would frown upon their younger charge and practically son if he did it. He wouldn't do nothing like that. He'd go to a movie, maybe take down an EVO and be home at a decent hour. And not keep them up all night worrying or forcing them to look for him for whatever reason. He was not that kind of kid. So yeah the teenager would be just fine out there.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Theme 034 - Anger ( about 189 words)

"What!? You read my mail?" Rex was angry. Really angry. Providence made him mad a lot but this was over the top. Like really, who reads other peoples mail and just does not tell them or even never gives them said mail? It was like the mail never existed. That made him angry. The other stuff they did made him angry sure but it could be excused. But this? This was different. This was really personal. Like Circe has sent him stuff before. Really personal stuff and he sent stuff to her. Who read that stuff in between? Who was the middle man? Six? White Knight? Rex felt a blush cross his cheeks as they became warmed and reddened. What kind of stuff did they read that was meant to be private? What kind of mail never came to him? That made him angry but providence did a lot that made him angry. That list was pretty long but he got over and or use to most things but this was another story. Rex sighed trying to calm down. Fine. Whatever. He wouldn't let it get to him, anymore.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Theme 033 - Green (about 347 words)

Green. It was a nice color. But not everything should be green. Six. He didn't even like green that much. But he wore it all the time. He always wore green. All his suits were green. His battle amour was green. Even his sunglasses had a green tint to them. Almost all his clothing was green. His whole closest was full of the same outfit and it was all green. His shoes were brown, is tie black and the button up shirt under his green jacket was white. He had a pair of black pants somewhere and a black tee shirt somewhere and that was it. Everything else was green. He wore his glasses to hide his eyes and help hide his emotions and such. That made snense. It was a simple thing. But the green tint? That confused Holiday. You love green so much that you see it everywhere? It wasn't that simple. He had deeper issues rooted from a harsh childhood on the streets, so he held onto what he had.  Got use to having the same thing and sticking to it. He got a pair of glasses that happened to have a tint that matched his clothes and went with it. As for the green clothes he just happened to get a green outfit and that's what he stuck to. Wear it everyday. Just have multiples of all his outfits. His suit or his battle suit. That's that. He felt weird in other clothes that wasn't a suit or his battle amour. But he could do it. He felt weirder wearing anything that was mainly any other color. It just felt wrong. He need to be mostly green. He could do a little of other colors. He did wear other colors on small amounts with his green suit after all. But he just couldn't to other colors most of the time. If he wore anything else or didn't have his sunglass something was seriously wrong. He was the green killer. The green blur. In his last work. He was six, he was green.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Theme 032 - Brother (about 1,112 words)

He was a big brother. He didn't think he was any good but he was. He knew just how to comfort his little sister or make her eat her veggies. He always knew where her favorite plush toy, Green bean the llam, was. He's got it mastered sometimes even more so than their parents did. Rex had a responsibility to look out for and protect Jaymie. A responsibility given to him by the simple fact that he was a big brother. He didn't think Six or Holiday expect him to actually keep an eye on her and watch out for her as much as he does. But they were often busy with work leaving both their kids to wonder the base on their own. Jaymie looked up to him and came to him seeking safety and comfort. To make things right. He surely wasn't except to fully take care of a child and the base was safe for her to wonder around but he felt a sense of duty. He loved her so much and would hate to see anything bad happen to her especially if he could have stopped it. It asnt to much to ask him to keep her out of trouble and make sure she ate lunch that day. He didn't mind such things even if he often complained about it. Sure he was really irresponsible at times, running off and getting into trouble with friends but that didn't mean he also couldn't make sure the five year old was safe. He'd do anything for that kid.  Six really drilled it into him to be alert and on gaurd when out on missions with her. To watch out for her, and that protective nature carries over to everyday life.  He watched her play and happily went along with her stories and games. Letting her ride around on top of her shoulders and helped her with her school work. He was a good big brother.

He'd once had made a huge mistake that ended with Jaymie getting badly injuried. He felt terrible. It was an accident but he felt like it was all his fault. He kept kicking his self , blaming himself and the mistake his made on her injuries. It truly wasn't his fault. Everyone makes mistakes and Jaymie was alright in the end. But he just felt so bad.nafter talking with Six and Jaymie woke up and started to heal he felt a bit better about the situation but he still blamed himself. He never wanted anything bad to happen. He just wanted to get away form it all for a while and Jaymie did too. So he went on a road trip with her. It was all going so well too until they happened upon that abandoned run down shack. Thinking back on it , it wasn't the brightest idea he had. He wanted to explore it and left Jaymie. Alone outside. Again not the brightest idea. She ran in after him. Where he got attack and over powered by an EVO. It saw Jaymie and attacked her too. It was horrible. Her screams will be stuck with him forever. He managed the fight and cure the thing and save Jaymie but the day was forever carved into his memory. At least she was fine in the end and they both learned valuable lessons from the whole incident.

Six and or Holiday usually kept watchful eyes on both Rex and Jaymie but when they weren't around they trusted Rex to stay out of trouble and to also keep Jaymie out of trouble of her own. It was an unspoken rule of the family. They all watched and protected Jaymie. She was just a little kid. She couldn't handle a lot of the things that the world needed her to. Or more precisely what providence wanted her to do. She didn't need to see some of the monsters there were out there. Monsters that were in their own headquarters, their own home. Monsters that were both EVOS and still human. There was a lot of unsafe stuff for her to get into. A lot of unsafe stuff for anyone let alone a curious child. Rex could stay out of trouble when he wanted and would do so if it meant keeping Jaymie out of it. Well most of the time.

He truly loves the little girl one could easily mistake them for actually siblings. They were close and cared a lot about one another. They were siblings even if it wasn't by blood or adoption or anything like that. Family doesn't end with blood. They loved each other and that was that. They were big brother and little sister and that was that. That's it.  Fmaily was family and they were it.

Jaymie was scared. Thunder sounded outside and she dug deeper into the sheets. She shook. Finally with a flash of lighting she jumped  out of bed, grabbed Green Bean and headed down the hall to her big brother Rex's room. Pat, pat, pat. Her little bare feet quietly made patting sounds as she hurried down the hall. She opened the door on a crack and peered in before entering.  Rex was a sleep. A tangled mess of blankets and sheets wrapped around him. She jumped at the sound of more thunder. "Rexy?" She whispered. A small hand reaching out to shake her brother.

"Opahh what?" He question as he woke up. 

"I'm scared. It's stormy out"  she whimpered. 

Rex sat up some "Don't worry Jaymie. It's  just a storm. Nothing bad's out there."  Rex comforted . He sat up all the way and picked the girl up, sitting her in his lap. He held the girl close and gently rubbed circles on her back. " why don't we get you back to bed? "

" I don't wanna, it's scary!"

"Alright why don't you spend the night here with your big brother then?" Rex sighed as he carried her back into his room and placed her on the bed.

She hugged him tightly and nodded as she rubbed her tied eyes. He smiled and ruffled her hair " don't worry kiddo I won't let no monsters in, I promise."

"G'night" she mumbled as she fell back asleep cuddling closely to him. The big brother smiled " night kiddo." With that he too fell back asleep. His brotherly duty taken care of. Sure he could have dumped her on Six or holiday but why wake them up when he could deal with it himself and quickly? She did came to him after all. She wanted her brother so that's what Rex gave her. Comfort form big brother.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Theme 031 - Father (about 1,007 words)

He didn't seem himself as a father really but he was. Jaymie called him daddy after all. And Rex had admitted that he was the boy's father figure. So he was a father, just not a dad he could admit that much to himself. But he really was dad. And no matter what he thought he deserved to be called such. He might not be Jaymie or Rex's biological father but that didn't matter. He was still dad to them. They didn't remember their real fathers so Six was it. He did a lot of his kids. He did everything for them. He wouldn't hesitate to jump into danger to protect them. To die for them. To stay up late and get up early. Do what was needed, what they needed. Every little thing. It was usually the little things that mattered the most, in the grand scheme if things they don't seem so important when you look at all the milestones but they do. The little things he did mattered just as much as the big ones.

He did a lot. A lot of little things. Things like spending time with the kids when they needed him the most. Like when they were scared or sick or just clingy. He held onto Jaymie tightly until she fell asleep again after a bad dream. Held her until she felt safe. Because she was safe with him, and she knew it. They both did. He stayed up late to comfort her when she was sick and did the same for Rex. He got up early to make sure Jaymie ate breakfast, even if she did not always like to eat it. He made sure she had her toast and juice. He stayed up late making sure Rex was home safe and knew what trouble he caused. He tired to make sure the boy would not do it again, because they might not be so lucky next time.

He did it all.  He did a lot of big things. Things like trying to better his skills and abilities so he could do more for them. He put up with getting yelled at by holiday so he knew what was up with the kids and what he needed to do better. He always worked hard to make sure he was improving his self so that the kids got the care they needed. They were so broken already he didn't need to do anything to worsen it. He worried himself sometimes, but holiday assured him that he couldn't do much harm. He needed to improve , yes, but it was only minor things. He's gotten better than when he first  brought the kids in under his wing and ended up claiming them as his own. (Or did they claim him as theirs? The order is not important really ) he fought for to even have them here with him. 

Providence in its early days and even now in a way wasn't so keen on working with EVOS. No one was. But six saw something in Rex. Something different. He saw the kid and knew instantly his life would be changed. Both their lives would be changed. He saw his potential and took him in. Fighting  white knight about it all the way. Protecting Rex form the crazy doctors that were in power in those days. Thankfully it wasn't such a struggle want Jaymie came along since they already were working with an EVO for so long, but they didn't like the something about her. So six fought them again. And took charge and just like that he was in caring for two children. Looking after them just because it was his work at first, and quickly it became antler job. He became a parent and he didn't want to accept it but it was true.

He wasn't all that different from his own 'father'. Father figure, dad, master, what ever you would like to call him. He would go by all of theosd after all. His name was One. Yes One. One was the one who saw something no one else did in six and took him in. Cared for him and raised him to be the man he was today. If it wasn't for One , Six most likely would not be alive right now. He would have died horrible a long time ago. But One made sure it didn't happen, he saw to it that the boy was safe and healthy even if his methods of parenting and plans for the kids future were off the traditional and normal beaten path. Even if he was raising killers, weapons, and training them hard he still cared if they got hurt and made sure they were as safe as could be. The training wasn't always the safest but he would see to it that the kids tried their hardest , did not give up and were as safe as they could be. Made sure they had someone to cling to when they go hurt and needed to be wrapped up.

A father was a lot of things, and all dads were different even if there was a set normal. Six was not the normal father (and neither was now grandpa One). Six was what he needed be, he was the dad that Rex and Jaymie needed. He loved the kids and they loved him. They were family. He was daddy even if he couldn't bring himself to call himself such. He was all the things a dad needed to be and even more. He was daddy Six and he was going to do his best to make sure his kids grew up right. Do his best to see to it that they were both safe and healthy and happy. To make sure the kids, no, his kids were raised right and that they knew how awesome their dad was and how hard he worked to make sure they got what they needed. That's what fathers do after all. And he was a father all right.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Theme 030 - Mother (about 1,000 words)

A mother was many things. And mothers didn't always have to be a child's biological mother to still be mom. Mothers cared for young and gave them love. They make sure their kids are happy and safe. And that's what holiday does daily. She would never have thought when she met the two kids that they would impact her life so much or that she would impact there's so drastically but it was true they changed each other's lives for the better. They all needed each other. The kids needed a mom and she was happy to me one.

She wasn't their real mother but she was the monthly figure the kids needed. She was there to talk to and offer kind guidance when ever needed. She tucked the younger one in at night and comforted her when she had a bad dream.  She helped the older one with homework and offered a free space to rant to when things got to rough.  Holiday was there for them. She tried not to let her emotions get in the way of her job but her motherly side couldn't help but surface when she worked with the kids. They needed her. Especially in the harsh environments they often had to live and work in. They were only kids and she was determined to make the others realize that.

The Younger one , Jaymie, was  only five and very energetic. "Mama look what a drew!! Was often was heard. She would run about playing games and drawing. Happily showing to her mother and grinning ear to ear when she was praised. She was growing a bit everyday and the woman was very proud of her little girl.

The other one was Rex who was fifteen and always into some sort of trouble. From his adventure seeking nature to his snarky comments he was something else alright. Always seeking approval and caring what his 'parents' thought of him. He was always resign care of Jaymie and running around providence like he was on top of the world. Holiday was proud of her son even if he made her stressed.

Life was hectic for them all. Holiday knew Six looked after them most of the day but claimed not responsible over them. No matter how much secretly loved them all. So it was up to holiday to show the children some sweet love, a tenderly mother touch that they needed in this scary world. Their real parents were long gone after all. They needed someone to hold them when they were scared or sick. Someone to wrap up cuts and scrapes in bandages. Then kiss it to make it 'all better'. Six as fatherly he was to the kids just wasn't all about the emotional side of things. They needed Holiday in more ways than one. She wasn't just doc. She was mom. She was a mother.

Jaymie was a typical little kid. Happy go lucky. Always running around playing and laughing. She didn't go on as many missions as the others. Holiday (and Six) managed to convince the higher ups to let her stay away from the action until she as older. She still had to train and work hard. It was a different level than what Rex was put though. When the boys were out fighting, Jaymie would sit back with Holiday and watch from the monitors. Age didn't understand all of what was going on and question holiday a lot. Holiday was happy to answer the girl's questions as best as she could. Jaymie didn't always sit with her mom and do homework as the guys were off saving people. She sometimes would run off and play in the petting zoo. The petting zoo was filled with EVOS. She could handle herself in the zoo but holiday would still worry. It's what mothers do after all.

Rex was a typical teenager. Despite the whole machines thing. He worried bother Holiday and Six by running off and sneaking out. Chasing after girls and hanging out with friends. He  was always testing his strengths and was pushing himself. Jumping off things and fighting. He was a stressful kid to keep track of. He came to the medical ward with injuries from EVOS and his stunts. They weren't bad most of the time and the Nanites took care of most of things on the healing aspect but he still came to Holiday to wrap the wounds and offer words of kindness and lectures from both her and Six. It's what kids needed from their parents. What Rex wanted from them. From his 'mother' holiday.

Both kids needed different things due to their age gaps but holiday dealt with both kids just fine. She had a natural motherly side so caring for Jaymie and Rex wasn't that hard. She would do it even if the world wasn't counting on these kids and she was paid to care for them. She cared for them deeply in another way. In a mother and child shorts way and not just a heroic sorta way, they were just kids after all. Kids in need of parents and guidance and love. In need of her. In need of a mother.

From kissing the boo boos that were scrapes and cuts and bruises that an active (overly active that is) five year old like Jaymie got when she was training with a ninja , to wrapping sprains and giant claw marks and dealing with major injuries that a fifth teen year old almost sixteen year old like Rex got from fighting giant mutants and jumping from planes. Holiday did it all. She watched them in the battlefield from a far with her monitors making sure everyone was fine and well. Making sure Rex's Nanites were doing fine and would not back fire. She did it all. Not the normal things a mother did but she was a mother no less. She was still a mother and she still looked out and cared for her kids. Making sure they were okay and had what ever they needed. It's what she did. She was mom, mommy , doc ,Doctor  Holiday, Rebecca to some, mamma , Doctor, and most importantly of all she was mother. She was a mother.  Working hard to keep her children happy and healthy. Make sure that they were safe and well cared for. It's what she did. What all mothers did.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Theme 029 - Falling (about 1,001 words)

He was always falling. It was just something he did. He was prone to it. He fell , tripped and jumped over and off everything. Agent Six had always been on the look out for such and stop him , catch him or help him up. But now Agent Six seemed to be no where in sight or around at all. He was off on a trip somewhere. This time was slightly different. Rex had no naites to help him and heal him and Agent Six was no where around to stop him from falling or catch him so he was safe. Rex was worried and scared. He thought he was going to die.

This time started this way it started in a normal day like this and every other day but then it went all bad. Bio Wolf and the pack attacked them.

This is how his day went:

This fall was different. Very different. He was not safe this time. He felt as if he was going to die. He knew he was going to die. He was sure of it. Oh God no. He was falling again. He was prone to falling, he fell all the time or jumped from high places but this time it was different. He was falling fast and could not build out his boogie pack jet pack. He was afraid. He was going to die. The ground was coming up fast. He was thrown off the ship known as the keep. The mobile headquarters for Providence. The pack attacked.

The next thing Rex knew VK attack him and took his nanites, and now the handy man second in command of the pack the EVO wolf man thing known as bio wolf was holding him over the edge of the ship. Then Bio wolf tossed him off the edge of the ship to get rid of him and he had no nanites to safe him. He was so far up he was still falling and fast and he had time to think and be afraid of his soon to be death. He could not even scream.

"Rex? What are you doing stop messing around a fooling about!" A voice came over his communicator.

"Come on guys don't you see that ground come up pretty fast? A little help here before I become a pancake!" He yelled into his communicator.

It just would not come out. He could not. scream no matter how hard he tried. This was just it. He was over. Suddenly the black jump jet of Agent Six's flew fast under him and Agent Six opened it's hatch to open the jump jets door. This let Rex fall into the jump jet restively safely. And it was over all better than hitting the ground hand and fast. He fell into it and hit the back wall with a hard smack. It hurt and it was suddenly and hard but it was better than what hitting the ground would have been.

He sighed. Ow but he was alive. His adoptive father Agent Six saved him last minute. Thank God. Rex was safe.. Worried about his nanites and VK but he was alive and relatively safe. Good thing he was close by and noticed what was happening and had saved him by letting him fall into the moving jet. It was a good use of reflex , timing and other amazing skills. Something only Agent Six was able to pull of. Something only Agent Six could do.

"Thanks guys." He thanked them "But this is not good. Not good at all. I think we have a problem" He declared as he told the others about him losing his powers and VK taking his nanites Falling was bad. But losing his nanite to his enemy was worse. Falling because of losing his nanites to his enemy was simply just horrible. But he was lucky to have Six.

"I lost my nanites. VK stole them. Then Bio Wolf tossed me off the edge on the open door of the keep ship" Rex explained. "I thought I was done for. Thanks again for picking me up."

Agent Six was always there to help him and catch him or pick him up when he jumped to far or fell. Even when he thought Agent Six was no where to be seen.

Rex fell a lot. He was just prone to that such of stuff. Six knew this apparently. So he was always on the look out and was there to save and help Rex when ever he needed. The kid was also prone to tripping. Even over his own feet. Six was always ready to catch him and pick him up. Doctor Holiday and Agent Six were there to help patch him up and help him when he nanites could not or failed to do so.

He got hurt a lot from falling and jumping without looking. But Doctor Holiday and Agent Six helped get him back onto his feet and heal him. Help him patch and bandage up his unhealed wounds, cuts ,scratches and such all up. Make him feel better. It was a common thing for them to do such things. Make sure Rex was fine and make him all alright. Agent Six was always there to pick him up and save him. Doctor Holiday was always there to help patch him up. Both were always there to help him even when his trusty nanites were not there to help him. They were trusty but not always reliable even when it felt like they were. His family was there to help him.

"I need my boogie pack jet pack still and VK can not keep those nanites. We need to figure out what we have to do. What we are going to do guys?" Rex asked talking to Agent Six and Doctor Holiday. They came up with a fighting plan. He was going to do what everyone else was going to do. It was going to work out this time just like all the other times.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Theme 028 - Flying (about 1,024 words)

Rex loved flying. He thought it was one of the best thing ever. Only a few other things were as cool and neat as flying was. Flying was awesome. He just felt so free when he was flying. The air in his hair the wind against his face. It was amazing. Beautiful. He could get out and do what he wanted. Go where he wanted. Leave providence behind. Sure he'd come back and or they would find him. Whatever came first. But still flying away with the boogie pack jet pack was an amazing awesome experience that he loved. It was one of his favorite thing to do. One of his favorite builds. He loved it when he trained with his jet pack. He felt free. He felt light. He felt invincible.

 He was doing one such training exercise today. He was flying around the providence keep with Six supervising his training, making sure that Rex didn't fly off and run away again. They needed him here today. They couldn't wast resources trying to get him when they had important things to attend to after this. Rex was smiling big and laughing a lot as he fly loops around the big ship known as the keep. The keep was providence's mobile headquarters and a home away from home for Rex.

Soon enough it was time for him to come in. Training was over for the day, at least morning training was. The fourteen year old boy complained. Rex whined and complained a lot. He wanted to stay out a bit longer. Six sternly told him to come back in now and that they had things to do. The boy complained more. Rex turned and flew away. Six yelled behind him to get back then called him on the ear piece communicator and told him to come back but the young boy ignored him and tossed the communicator away over the water.

Rex continued to fly off enjoying his flight. Not thinking about what and who he was leaving behind or what trouble he was in or more like would be in when he got home or was found. Flying high over a small down and over a desert. Rex loved it. Flying was amazing after all. He felt the wind slam against his exposed face and his goggles. It was a wonderful experience. He simply just loved it. And now he was free for the day too. It was so great. He knew he would have to go back sometime soon but that was oat because he was enjoying that day and free time that he had now. He knew it wouldn't last long or forever but he would fly as much as he could until he had to return home.

He flew to the mountains. The forest was just lovely. He love the forest more then the wind in his hair during flight. He enjoyed the peace and quite and the secluded of the forest. He laid back and relaxed for a long while , until it was about midday. At noon he woke from his nap and deiced that he was there long enough and took off for a flight again. He made the boogie pack jet pack once more and flew away.

He loved it. The cold rush of air on his face woke up his senses more from his nap as he went any way he wanted and felt like. The freedom that flight brought him. Again he thought about how much he loved flying. Flying was amazing. Flying was just wonderful. Really was awesome.

He flew loops and circles around what ever he came across. He laughed as he flew around. It was so much fun to get that rush as he dipped up and down and flew every which way. The wind swooshing all around him. He figured Six and providence was still searching for him and that he should get back home but he did not care he wanted to fly more and be free. Kinda like a bird. He didn't need wings , like real feather like wings. He had his own jet pack to coast the skies with. It made him feel like the sky was his and his alone.

As the skies got dark he decided he should head home and face his lecture. He turned into the direction of home, providence headquarters and headed home. He flew and flew. He relied how far he flew he had a ways to go before he got home. His flight was a long one. How he was not tired was bond him. Also how he was not found was a loss to him. His flight was finally over as he got home. He reached the front gates and landed. He was home. He tried to sneak in but he knew it was no sue and he was right.

Six was waiting for him and noticed when he came in. Here it goes he was going to get yelled at and worse of all he would not be allowed to fly for training for a long time to come.

"Go to your room , you're grounded Rex. I'm both mad and disappointed at you. We'll talk in the morning." Six said pointing to the direction of the boy's room. Rex sighed and walked to his room with his head hung low.

He loved to fly. It was true. Flying was amazing and was part of freedom. He tried to fly all the time. He flew as much as he was allowed to and had time to. He felt so free when ever he did. But he abused his privileges a lot like he did today and he would fly off running away took a new meaning and he would not come home for hours. Six would punish him but not letting him train with his boogie pack jet pack for months. The boy hated it. But Rex knew it was fair. He deserved such a punishment. But soon enough he would be back in the skies flying once more with a huge grin and the wind in his hair. Because flying was awesome.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Theme 027 - Safe in your arms (about ,1070 words)

He felt safe.  The ten year old felt safe now. Rex slept soundly as he snuggled close to his adoptive father's chest. The man's arms wrapped around the boy. He was safe now. The boy had quite a day. So did his father, Agent Six. Six had a very stressful day. Rex had been kidnapped and they had no clue where he was or who had taken him. It was very worrying. The sound of the boy's cry when he was grabbed was heartbreaking. Six was still kicking himself that he let his guard down and that he was not fast enough to stop this from happening but he was thankful to have his son back now. Rex always felt safe in his father's arms but now especially he felt comfort and secure.

Six remembered how the day started. It was going so well. Rex completed his training without complaint the father and son ate breakfast together and he allowed Rex to have sugary cereal for once. There were no EVOs to fight. They had a morning off. He decided that Rex needed to get out and get some fresh air so he took the boy out to the city for a walk and lunch at his favorite pizza place. A rare treat and a rare act on Six's part. Now Six wished they just stayed home at the headquarters. They would have never had such a traumatic day... then Rex would have been safe all day.

They had finished their walk and were heading to their next destination of the pizza shop, Rex happily and excitedly rambling on and on about what kind of pizza he would get.

"I think I'll order a slice with extra cheese! Hey can I get a root-beer float with it? I'd really like a float. Maybe I'd get pepperoni on my pizza."

Six simply nodding to the boy's ramblings.

"Maybe you can get a float , we'll see" He managed to get in.

Their conversation was stopped when a man approached them. Six was on guard , like always but not as high alert as he should have been. The man was not that suspicious and no one was worried. He ended up only asking for directions

"Excuse me but do you happen to know which way to the Nella's restaurant?"  He asked.

"Go that way until North Baker Street and turn left it will be right there" Six guided.

"Thanks stranger" The man said.

Then the man walked off when they told him which was to go. Six and Rex got to the pizza place with out incident but as they got into the door Rex cried out as someone grabbed him from behind.

"Six help!!"

Six was quick to react and even then it was not fast enough. The kidnapper was to fast. Way to fast. Rex was gone. Damn it.

Six raced out of the pizza parlor and back to his jump jet, he already had Providence informed on his communicator ear piece.

"Holiday, Rex has been kidnapped! I need you to try to track him down!"

He quickly and anxiously made his was back to headquarters to help figure out who took Rex and how to get him back. Good thing the tracker they placed in him was still functional. Doctor Holiday was able to track down the coordinates of where Rex was taken.

"I found him Six, I've got his coordinates."

Six quickly got to the jump jet and headed for the location given to him. He got there and landed. He climbed out of the jump jet and sneaked inside. Inside he found the same man that stopped them on the streets and Rex tired up in the corner with a rag shoved in his mouth to stop him from yelling. Tears ran down the boy's face and bruises lined his face. Blue nanite lines kept appearing and disappearing as the nanites tried to heal him and he tried to use his powers. Neither one was working for some reason.

Six felt a seething hatred for the man. Why would anyone do such a thing to a child? Not only that but to Rex. His son. Someone purposely kidnapped and hurt his son. The man still didn't know that Six is there. Rex didn't notice him either. Which was good. He might give Six away to the man. Six slowly pulled one of his swords. In one quick motion he sliced at the back of the man. Then man turned as blood dripped down him onto the floor. He pulled a weapon of his own and a fight broke out. Rex's eyes widened in happiness as he saw Six. Then they filled with worry and fear as he saw the blood and the fight broke out. He calmed down and watched as the two men fought. He calmed down enough to use his powers again and broke free of the rope. The bruises healed and he raced to his father's side to help him fight. Although he needed no help.

They took out the mystery man and the ten year old boy jump up and hugged his adoptive father.

"Oh my god that was so scary!" The boy cried as he was hugged back. "And painful...Six it hurt so bad he batted my face when I wouldn't answer his questions." Rex sniffled and pulled away from his father even though he didn't want to. He felt safe in his arms. " He wanted to know about providence's secrets. But even I don't know most of them...He wouldn't take no for an answer"

Six shushed and comforted the young boy. "Shh Rex it's okay. It's all over. The man is gone now. Gone for good. You are safe in my arms. I won't let nothing bad happen to you now." He held the boy close once more. Hugging him close.

"Don't leave me , okay?" The boy said still sniffly and upset.

"Come on let's get some pizza and go home." Six offered as he ruffled the boy's short black hair. The bot hugged his tight once more before they set off for the jump jet to get the pizza and then head home. They got their pizza and Rex got a rootbeer float. Then they headed home. Rex still a bit upset and tired he got ready for bed and Six for once tucked him in. Holding him close. He wouldn't let this happen ever again. Rex was safe with him.