Friday, July 11, 2014

Theme 007 - Sacrifice (about 1,089 words)

Sacrifice was something they all made now days. In a more or less global war of humanity versus monsters sacrifices were necessary in order to win. It was just a fact. Six knows that more then anyone else at providence. He had to sacrifice so much to get to where he was now. Sacrifice for the ones he cared for. Like Rex and Holiday. He had to sacrifice all he had to stop White and Phell from killing Rex like all the other EVOs up until then. Had to sacrifice a friendship. He still continues to sacrifice for the boy. When he sneaks out after being copped up for weeks he sacrifices his free time and even job to search for him then pretend like he didn't find him. Covering for the kid. He was ready to sacrifice anything for the boy though. He'd give his life if it meant Rex was safe. He loved him like a son.

He'd had to sacrifice everything he currently knew and his job when he first met Doctor Holiday. To go along with her ideas and ideals. To disobey the others and keep that giant mechanical EVO alive instead of killing it. Taking Rex to see Holiday and unleashing the EVO in that lab. Taking the chance that Rex could cure him. He didn't know there were incurables then. He knew the chance as there though yet he still sacrificed himself to get near the EVO so Rex could try to cure it and show Holiday what could be done.

His more current sacrifice was the use of his right arm. It was broken when he jumped out of the jump jet to save a falling Rex whose bios fell and caused his jet pack to break apart. They weren't too far from the ground, at landing height really. He should have just let the boy fall on his own. But he couldn't, there was something that made him do it. He knew Rex would be fine. Better then he himself would be. Thanks to the nanites. It didn't matter he jumped , and landed wrong. Still he manged to be quick enough to catch the ten year old. It was worth it to him. Even if it meant sacrificing months worth of training and work while his arm healed.

Another thing he sacrificed regularly was his time. It was his job to train Rex and keep him out of trouble , yes. But Six frequently did more then that just to make the boy happy or to make sure the boy was okay. Taking him out to eat for lunch , tucking him in at night, calming him down when he has a bad dream, talking to him when he needed someone or give him guidance where it was needed. Granted he was no Holiday when it came to these things, still he tried his best. Parenting. That was one thing that wasn't in his job description that just became apart of it. He taught the kid how to swim and stayed up all night with him and Holiday when Rex had the flu. When he could have been in bed asleep and should have stayed away to ensure he didn't get sick also. he didn't care though.

He made a lot of sacrifices for his new family. He gave up his old life as a mercenary in order to be a solider and a reluctant and unsure caretaker to a rambunctious ten year old EVO with a problem for authority and an attitude. Some days were more stressful then others but it was all worth it. All the sacrifice was worth it.

He sacrificed sleep in order to search for the missing kid on numerous occasions then not saying a word about his all night search when he finally found the boy or when he came home on his own (which was the rarer of the two outcomes).

He sacrificed even before providence. Although his sacrifice back then was usually for selfish reasons and not for kindness of other like it is now. He's sacrifice good sleep, clean clothes , and proper food so he could take out a target and make the most money. He was loyal to One and the other members of The Six. He's sacrificed his health by staying out in the rain all night as a bodyguard to some big bucks druggie and drug dealer at some club in some sort of godforsaken location. Anything for the money. Anything to get more work then the others. It was a competition of siblings really. One with high stakes and the world's deadliest people.

Yes Six knew about sacrifice all to well. But he wasn't the only one at providence who knew about sacrifice. He wasn't the only one who had sacrificed a lot for the happiness of the others around him. Rex too knew about sacrifice.

Rex sacrificed a normal life so he could be at providence and help the world. Although that was more of by force then his own choosing but when ever he ran away he would willing return whether when Six showed up to get him or he came back on his own when he was ready ( again the rarer of the two outcomes). He would do anything for his new family. He was fiercely loyal and loved Holiday and Six as if they were his parents. They practically were the ones rising him after all and he didn't remember his real parents. He was young at only ten years old but he saw and understood and recognized all the little things and sacrifices the two adults did for him. He was thankful for them.

He scarified he free time to talk to Holiday and Six too make sure they knew how much he cared for them and how happy he was for them doing everything they did for him. That they knew he appreciated and loved them. That they were family. He sacrificed his alone time (which was often needed after a long day of being dragged around a busy base fulled of hundreds of people.) His would instead go meet up with Six or Holiday and  try to learn something new from them.

It's both the little things and the big things that are sacrificed daily at providence so that the main team can do their jobs and save others. Yes Sacrifice was necessary in order to win and move forward, and yes there was people ready and willing to make such sacrifices. 


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