Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Theme 030 - Mother (about 1,000 words)

A mother was many things. And mothers didn't always have to be a child's biological mother to still be mom. Mothers cared for young and gave them love. They make sure their kids are happy and safe. And that's what holiday does daily. She would never have thought when she met the two kids that they would impact her life so much or that she would impact there's so drastically but it was true they changed each other's lives for the better. They all needed each other. The kids needed a mom and she was happy to me one.

She wasn't their real mother but she was the monthly figure the kids needed. She was there to talk to and offer kind guidance when ever needed. She tucked the younger one in at night and comforted her when she had a bad dream.  She helped the older one with homework and offered a free space to rant to when things got to rough.  Holiday was there for them. She tried not to let her emotions get in the way of her job but her motherly side couldn't help but surface when she worked with the kids. They needed her. Especially in the harsh environments they often had to live and work in. They were only kids and she was determined to make the others realize that.

The Younger one , Jaymie, was  only five and very energetic. "Mama look what a drew!! Was often was heard. She would run about playing games and drawing. Happily showing to her mother and grinning ear to ear when she was praised. She was growing a bit everyday and the woman was very proud of her little girl.

The other one was Rex who was fifteen and always into some sort of trouble. From his adventure seeking nature to his snarky comments he was something else alright. Always seeking approval and caring what his 'parents' thought of him. He was always resign care of Jaymie and running around providence like he was on top of the world. Holiday was proud of her son even if he made her stressed.

Life was hectic for them all. Holiday knew Six looked after them most of the day but claimed not responsible over them. No matter how much secretly loved them all. So it was up to holiday to show the children some sweet love, a tenderly mother touch that they needed in this scary world. Their real parents were long gone after all. They needed someone to hold them when they were scared or sick. Someone to wrap up cuts and scrapes in bandages. Then kiss it to make it 'all better'. Six as fatherly he was to the kids just wasn't all about the emotional side of things. They needed Holiday in more ways than one. She wasn't just doc. She was mom. She was a mother.

Jaymie was a typical little kid. Happy go lucky. Always running around playing and laughing. She didn't go on as many missions as the others. Holiday (and Six) managed to convince the higher ups to let her stay away from the action until she as older. She still had to train and work hard. It was a different level than what Rex was put though. When the boys were out fighting, Jaymie would sit back with Holiday and watch from the monitors. Age didn't understand all of what was going on and question holiday a lot. Holiday was happy to answer the girl's questions as best as she could. Jaymie didn't always sit with her mom and do homework as the guys were off saving people. She sometimes would run off and play in the petting zoo. The petting zoo was filled with EVOS. She could handle herself in the zoo but holiday would still worry. It's what mothers do after all.

Rex was a typical teenager. Despite the whole machines thing. He worried bother Holiday and Six by running off and sneaking out. Chasing after girls and hanging out with friends. He  was always testing his strengths and was pushing himself. Jumping off things and fighting. He was a stressful kid to keep track of. He came to the medical ward with injuries from EVOS and his stunts. They weren't bad most of the time and the Nanites took care of most of things on the healing aspect but he still came to Holiday to wrap the wounds and offer words of kindness and lectures from both her and Six. It's what kids needed from their parents. What Rex wanted from them. From his 'mother' holiday.

Both kids needed different things due to their age gaps but holiday dealt with both kids just fine. She had a natural motherly side so caring for Jaymie and Rex wasn't that hard. She would do it even if the world wasn't counting on these kids and she was paid to care for them. She cared for them deeply in another way. In a mother and child shorts way and not just a heroic sorta way, they were just kids after all. Kids in need of parents and guidance and love. In need of her. In need of a mother.

From kissing the boo boos that were scrapes and cuts and bruises that an active (overly active that is) five year old like Jaymie got when she was training with a ninja , to wrapping sprains and giant claw marks and dealing with major injuries that a fifth teen year old almost sixteen year old like Rex got from fighting giant mutants and jumping from planes. Holiday did it all. She watched them in the battlefield from a far with her monitors making sure everyone was fine and well. Making sure Rex's Nanites were doing fine and would not back fire. She did it all. Not the normal things a mother did but she was a mother no less. She was still a mother and she still looked out and cared for her kids. Making sure they were okay and had what ever they needed. It's what she did. She was mom, mommy , doc ,Doctor  Holiday, Rebecca to some, mamma , Doctor, and most importantly of all she was mother. She was a mother.  Working hard to keep her children happy and healthy. Make sure that they were safe and well cared for. It's what she did. What all mothers did.


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