Saturday, January 3, 2015

Theme 028 - Flying (about 1,024 words)

Rex loved flying. He thought it was one of the best thing ever. Only a few other things were as cool and neat as flying was. Flying was awesome. He just felt so free when he was flying. The air in his hair the wind against his face. It was amazing. Beautiful. He could get out and do what he wanted. Go where he wanted. Leave providence behind. Sure he'd come back and or they would find him. Whatever came first. But still flying away with the boogie pack jet pack was an amazing awesome experience that he loved. It was one of his favorite thing to do. One of his favorite builds. He loved it when he trained with his jet pack. He felt free. He felt light. He felt invincible.

 He was doing one such training exercise today. He was flying around the providence keep with Six supervising his training, making sure that Rex didn't fly off and run away again. They needed him here today. They couldn't wast resources trying to get him when they had important things to attend to after this. Rex was smiling big and laughing a lot as he fly loops around the big ship known as the keep. The keep was providence's mobile headquarters and a home away from home for Rex.

Soon enough it was time for him to come in. Training was over for the day, at least morning training was. The fourteen year old boy complained. Rex whined and complained a lot. He wanted to stay out a bit longer. Six sternly told him to come back in now and that they had things to do. The boy complained more. Rex turned and flew away. Six yelled behind him to get back then called him on the ear piece communicator and told him to come back but the young boy ignored him and tossed the communicator away over the water.

Rex continued to fly off enjoying his flight. Not thinking about what and who he was leaving behind or what trouble he was in or more like would be in when he got home or was found. Flying high over a small down and over a desert. Rex loved it. Flying was amazing after all. He felt the wind slam against his exposed face and his goggles. It was a wonderful experience. He simply just loved it. And now he was free for the day too. It was so great. He knew he would have to go back sometime soon but that was oat because he was enjoying that day and free time that he had now. He knew it wouldn't last long or forever but he would fly as much as he could until he had to return home.

He flew to the mountains. The forest was just lovely. He love the forest more then the wind in his hair during flight. He enjoyed the peace and quite and the secluded of the forest. He laid back and relaxed for a long while , until it was about midday. At noon he woke from his nap and deiced that he was there long enough and took off for a flight again. He made the boogie pack jet pack once more and flew away.

He loved it. The cold rush of air on his face woke up his senses more from his nap as he went any way he wanted and felt like. The freedom that flight brought him. Again he thought about how much he loved flying. Flying was amazing. Flying was just wonderful. Really was awesome.

He flew loops and circles around what ever he came across. He laughed as he flew around. It was so much fun to get that rush as he dipped up and down and flew every which way. The wind swooshing all around him. He figured Six and providence was still searching for him and that he should get back home but he did not care he wanted to fly more and be free. Kinda like a bird. He didn't need wings , like real feather like wings. He had his own jet pack to coast the skies with. It made him feel like the sky was his and his alone.

As the skies got dark he decided he should head home and face his lecture. He turned into the direction of home, providence headquarters and headed home. He flew and flew. He relied how far he flew he had a ways to go before he got home. His flight was a long one. How he was not tired was bond him. Also how he was not found was a loss to him. His flight was finally over as he got home. He reached the front gates and landed. He was home. He tried to sneak in but he knew it was no sue and he was right.

Six was waiting for him and noticed when he came in. Here it goes he was going to get yelled at and worse of all he would not be allowed to fly for training for a long time to come.

"Go to your room , you're grounded Rex. I'm both mad and disappointed at you. We'll talk in the morning." Six said pointing to the direction of the boy's room. Rex sighed and walked to his room with his head hung low.

He loved to fly. It was true. Flying was amazing and was part of freedom. He tried to fly all the time. He flew as much as he was allowed to and had time to. He felt so free when ever he did. But he abused his privileges a lot like he did today and he would fly off running away took a new meaning and he would not come home for hours. Six would punish him but not letting him train with his boogie pack jet pack for months. The boy hated it. But Rex knew it was fair. He deserved such a punishment. But soon enough he would be back in the skies flying once more with a huge grin and the wind in his hair. Because flying was awesome.


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