Sunday, October 12, 2014

Theme 022 - Lies (about 1,004 words)

Lying was part of the job for providence. Everyone lied. Different ways and reasons. Because they had to and or were told to lie to someone about something. They had to. Providence lied to their own agents. They lied about all kinds things. They lied to Rex a lot. They said they needed to. Holiday and Six felt bad about it. Holiday when she had to but she was kept out of the loop most of the time. Six felt bad but he knew it had to be done. At least that was what he told himself. 

There were so many lies. They only told lies. No truth. Lies. There were many lies told and many lies to be told. They told plenty of lies. Providence lied all the time. The told lies to Rex all the time. They lied about all kinds of things. They lied to him about his best friend Noah. They lied about how he came to be at providence. They lied about the promises that were made on that day. Six lied. He lied about all of those things. He had to. He was told to and also felt it was right. He did not like it but it was what had to be done. He Even lied not to long after he first found the kid. Lying about what caused that destruction. 

Rex found out the smaller lies. This resulted in anger from the boy. He would always get over it quickly enough but it was the bigger lies that made his powers short out and make him stay angry longer. Like when he truth about Noah reached him. It almost cost Noah, the others and Beverly their lives. His powers would not work so he could not stop the EVO. It wasn't until after Holiday talked to him that he calmed down enough for his powers to work and stay working. Noah was actually a spy hired by providence to keep an eye on Rex. The two actually became best friends. Once Rex realized that his anger at Noah went away and he saved everyone. He let his anger out on White Knight instead.

He still did not know about what happened when he first came to providence. How he was almost killed and Six saved him. How White Knight wanted him dead. The promise to have Six kill Rex if he ever turned again. Turned into that thing again. Turned as in betrayed. Turned against them. Against providence. It didn't matter if he turned providence would see to it that he was taken care of. Six would kill him. Rex knew nothing about those things. He didn't even know enough to think to ask. It did not matter he they would lie to him if he asked about it anyway.

Rex lied himself although no one ever believed him. They all knew that he was lying. Six always knew when he was being lied to. Always. It was just because of all the lies he told. He lied enough himself and was also trained to detect lies. Rex also did not lie well so it was easy to tell when the boy was lying to him. Rex would sneak out and lying about it. Saying he was there the whole time. or he would sneak out and lying about where he went and why. Six knew the boy was cooped up and hated being in his tiny room. He also knew that the boy should not be out and about with out permission. He should not be sneaking out. The boy needed to be punished just not for sneaking out but also lying. Rex would get mad everyone else lied. Why couldn't he? The boy had a point. Why teach him not to lie in the organization of lies? Everyone lied to him why could he not lie to them? Why did they knew he had lied when he never knew what he was being lied to?

The boy was right but Six had another point. A point that was made in a form of a lie. They needed him to be truthful. They needed to know where he was and that he was safe. They cared and he was important. Some of that was truthful but there was lies in it. Not everyone in Providence cared for him. It was only a few people that cared but the truth was that he was important. The truth was that they wanted to control him. He was seen as just a tool to be used when they needed him and put way when not in use. And to be where he was put when he was needed again. Six did not want to tell Rex that nor could he tell the boy any of that. He was told to lie about it to the boy. So he did just that. He saw no other options.

They all told lies to themselves and to each other. Six kept track of all these lies. He knew most of them and could tell a lie when he heard one and he knew the truth as well and could tell if it was a lie or truth. so he could easily keep track of such things. There was drawer just full of pieces of paper with lies written on them all.

Things like "I am telling the truth" and " I was here the whole time"  things he lied about, things he lied about to Rex and Holiday. Things he lied about in his past and all the things he lies about now. Things Rex lied about. Things providence lied about. To everyone.   "This has to be done" and "This is for the best" were lies Six told himself a lot. very often he found himself saying these things.

Lying was just part of the job at Providence. They had to lie. So they did. They were told to do so , and that's what they did. It's what they do.


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