Monday, July 27, 2015

Theme 036 - Adulthood (about 752 words)

Adulthood. Rex hadn't thought about it much but he was almost an adult now. He's matured a lot over the years. Even just the last year. The seventeen year old was still a bit childish. The plush toys all over his room proved that. But that kind childishness was different from being mature. He use to run away and get into trouble and make inappropriate jokes. Not anymore he thought more of others and communicated better. Still got into trouble, he just attracted it but he didn't seek it out and caused it as much. At least not on purpose. He was practically an adult in more ways than one. He didn't change that much physically at least not in the last year. He was pretty much done growing once he was at age  sixteen. (Or around it. They still didn't know when his birthdays was or how old he was. Age guess was based all on physical and mental stuff really) So the last year saw very few (physical) changes there. But since he was fifteen the was a slight change in him. Mostly if you looked back and compared photos of him from then to now. Day to day the people around him probably haven't noticed much unless the thought on it and saw  photos and video of him. His hormones calmed down and the more hormone driven days of his teenage years were behind him. Not that he still didn't drool over hot girls. He certainly still took notice. He just didn't chase after all of the hot ladies he saw. He knew he couldn't and shouldn't. And he could control himself and such actions. Not that he didn't get tighter pants every now and then from hot passers by or randomly. That was just manhood. It just wasn't as constant. He had control. He didn't need to think of love making all the time or run to a private area right than. He could wait. He also had a girlfriend to look at and while still a virgin he certainly was cozy and love and doves with her . He was a tab bit taller. Taller by an inch or two now at his adult hight of five foot ten. His voice was a bit deeper but not that noticeable again you'd have to see video for, a few years ago and compare from then to now to really notice. He was also more muscular. Mostly from all the hard work and training and fighting he does than from like hormones, puberty and such, but it was a change either way. He was almost legally an adult. Although that didn't matter much, growing up in providence as a weapon and tool he quickly learned to do things on his own like an adult would. Plus again they had no clue how old he really was for all they knew he was legal. Not like he'll ever have anything other than a providence ID anyways. His face wasn't as rounded and childish now. It was sharper and more adult. He was on the onset of adulthood now. Technically adulthood has been here creeping up on him for a while bit now you could clearly see it on his face. In his features. He could come up with actually possible solutions to problems and help solve them with out making a mess. He had a more mature take on problem solving and an adult view on the world around him. Even if he still joked now and then even when the situation wasn't meant for it. He learn to control the jokes and when not to say them. He still told inappropriate jokes at bad times but he recognized them as such and tried to limit such. His younger self has not such filter or thoughts for jokes. He just told them whenever where ever no matter what. Now he thought about the situation first and only told badly time jokes when he was truly frightened to clam himself. Otherwise he wouldn't joke in a serious situation now. Everything about him was adulthood. He grew up a lot. His 'parents' Six and Holiday were very proud of him and how he's grown. The young man wasn't like the little kid they had taken in. Even if he was still a lot like him he's an adult now and was able to take on whatever came his way with the thinking and problem solving that came with adulthood. 


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