Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Theme 025 - Right (about 1,003 words)

What was right and wrong. Right was helping others and using manners. Wrong was running off and worrying everyone. Rex knew this. He knew right from wrong. And he always tried to do the right thing. But providence made it hard to do that sometimes. There were things that were morally right and wrong and things that were right and wrong in the communities then there was the rights and wrongs of providence. An organization whose rights were often the worlds wrongs. And he was at the center of it. What should he do? He was unsure sometimes. Six said orders were orders and that they should, no, that they have to follow them no matter what. But people were people. A life was a life. Rex couldn't do what's wrong when so many lives were at stakes. He had to try and do a different right and try to save them. Even if it meant his own life.

Sometimes orders weren't orders. Sometimes you had to take matters into your own hands and disobey for the better. Helping others in need is what's right. That is what Rex believed. What he was taught when he was younger. By his real parents. Even if he doesn't remember them or realized it. Six and Holiday taught him rights and wrongs too. Six tried to keep him in line with providence standards. But also taught him the same morals that one had taught him when he was young. No needless killing and such. Holiday was more piratical and kinder with her teachings. Drilling helping others and manners into him. He was already such a polite little boy but could be rude at times. But he has his manners and tries not to be (as) rude now days. He was shaping up to be a very nice young man. He certainly wasn't the same ten year old boy they knew five years ago.

He was a good person. He did what was right. He helped others, said please and than you , clean up after himself, his room s tidy, and much more. He tried his best. He trained hard and studied just as he was told by Six and Holiday. He tried to follow his orders for providence and only disobey if he had to. He did run off on his own a lot. Run away from providence. He had to escape sometimes as providence didn't always treat him well. Other than Holiday and Six he had no one there that treated him like a human instead of a machine to be used then stored away. His room was small and stuffy. He need to get out more. To get sunlight and fresh air. Stretch his legs. No one could blame him of getting out to get fresh air.

He helped others. The best he could. Even if it inconvenienced him. He would go out of his way to help others. He was just that kind of guy. He was raised to be like that. He would not let Providence stop him from doing what was right. and he would let providence help him do what was right when the opportunity showed up. Like curing EVOS. He did what he could. A little bit here and there. What ever could help. He picked things up for others if they dropped them. Helped people cross the street. The little things.

What really was right and wrong? Who decided such things? Rex figured providence determined some rights and wrongs with all their protocols and fancy procedures. They might be in charge of him and were ones for rules but they did not have a right to say what was right and wrong. Rex decided that each person must figure out such things for themselves and that he was doing what was right. Helping others and using his manners was what was right. That was what he was taught and that was what he does and will always (at least try) to do.

So what if he sometimes ran away and got yelled at by providence? He knew they were corrupt even if what they were doing was mostly good. He also knew that the way they treated him wasn't right. You shouldn't let those who do wrong rule your life and stop you from getting away to do right. That's how he saw it. It was the right thing to do. He knew that in his mind and in his heart. Just do what was right he thought, and all will work out. Everything will be fine. And everything usually did end up just fine. He got yelled at or had to do a few more laps around the petting zoo but that was nothing.

It was worth the lectures if it meant he got out and got fresh air and was out of his tiny room. Doing this his own way and disobeying orders was worth it if it meant he saved lives. He was a hero. Heroes always did what was right. But they could do wrong to. He knew. Everyone does wrong from time to time. It was human nature and that was just fine as well. Humans were humans you couldn't change how they act. They act that way for a reason. Can't change or mess with nature. Only do your best to be good. Try your best to help where you can.

There was right and there was wrong. Rex knew this. and he also knew right from wrong. He always tried to do what was right just as he was taught by his real parents and Six and Holiday. He knew hew should not be rude so he used his manners when he could. Always using please and thank you. It was something. He still put his elbows on the table and even rested his feet up on the table. but he was a work in progress and he was getting better all the time. Those little things did not matter when he was out saving lives daily.


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