Friday, August 25, 2017

Theme 048 - Only Human (about 277 words)

Humans. He wasn't human anymore technically. He was an EVO. He was seen as different. He wasn't seen as human by a lot when they found out he was an EVO. It didn't matter that he still looked human or had his mind intact. Nope. It did not. But he was still very much human. Still only human. Still only a kid. Still only a teenager. Still only very much human. He had his powers, sure. He was super powered, yeah. But deep down he was still only human. He had his healing abilities, sure and he always had that part of his powers, usually, but with or without his powers he was still human. He was just a fifthteen year old forced to be some weapon for a pseudo military organization. A tool to be locked away until he was needed. But he was still only a human He was not some machine. He held close to his humanity, and held close to his morals, his thoughts, his emotions, his empathy, his kindness. He worked to better his situation  and the situation of others. He tried his best. But being only human and only fifteen he could only hold it together for so long before he cracked, before he bent, before he broke. Holiday and Six kept him afloat, they saw him for who he was, a human, a kid. They cared for him and helped him. Kept him up. Stopped him from breaking. He needed his family. His providence family, adopted family. They loved each other and held each other together. They had bonds. Humans needed that, and after all he was only human. Only human.


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